How it WorksBenefitsFeaturesPricingSignature Generator
Beautifully Simple and Secure Signatures
Sign and send documents electronically in seconds.
4.9 out of 5 stars
4.9 out of 5 stars
Beautifully Simple and Secure <b>Signatures</b>
Tired of the <b>cumbersome</b> signing process ?
Tired of the cumbersome signing process ?
It’s time to ditch the print, scan, and email signature process and move on from clunky e-signature software. Eliminate scanning errors, improve audit efficiency, save money, and get your documents signed 10x faster with DocSignal.
Dealing with printers, scanners, and endless email threads?
Struggling with clunky apps that complicate rather than simplify?
Worried about the legal validity of your e-signatures
Your path to easier e-signatures
Sign documents electronically in seconds simple & secure signatures
Prepare your document
Upload your document or choose from our customizable templates
Prepare your document
Send for signature
Easily add signees and send out your documents for electronic signatures.
Send for signature
Track and manage
Monitor signing progress and manage completed documents effortlessly.
Track and manage
Why Choose DocSignal?
You'll love how easy it is to sign and send documents securely with DocSignal. Here are some more reasons why DocSignal is right for you.
Simple and intuitive
Simple and intuitive
Streamline your signing process with DocSignal's user-friendly interface.
Legally binding
Legally binding
Capture legally binding e-signatures with tamper-evident seals and audit trails
Secure and reliable
Secure and reliable
Protect your sensitive data with industry-standard security protocols.
Fast and efficient
Fast and efficient
Send documents to multiple recipients and collect signatures in seconds.
Affordable & scalable
Affordable & scalable
Choose a plan that suits your needs and grows with your business.
DocSignal Testimonials
Today’s teams move faster with Docsignal
You’ll love how easy it is to sign and send legally binding documents with DocSignal. Here’s what people are saying about us.
“DocSignal is amazing! I need to send liability waivers to multiple recipients and the app made it super easy. And the customer support was wonderful!"”
Sarah Robertson
Sarah Robertson
Outdoor Educator
“It's made managing all of our contracts so much more streamlined. Our brokerage clients have commented on how easy it was to get all the documents signed and reference them later."
Ben Dumas
Ben Dumas
Broker at Marcus & Millichap
“We used to print contracts, sign them by hand, scan them, and email them. It's so nice not to spend so much time in the copy room printing and scanning.”
Melissa Bates
Melissa Bates
Office Manager at M&H LLP
“It's so intuitive to use. I can upload contracts right from my Google Drive to sign and send to my clients."
Rebecca Siegel
Rebecca Siegel
Web Designer
“I love Docsignal. I used to send contracts by email and it was so hard to keep track of. With Docsignal I can automate this process and my clients love it.”
James Drogin
James Drogin
Real Estate Agent
DocSignal Features
DocSignal's Powerful Features
Everything you need for legally binding electronic signatures.
Easy E-signatures
Easy E-signatures
Support various signing methods like click-to-sign, drawing, and image upload.
Document management
Document management
Upload, organize, search, and filter documents with ease.
Team collaboration
Team collaboration
Assign roles and permissions for secure team collaboration.
Connect DocSignal seamlessly with Google Workspace and other cloud platforms.
Security and compliance
Security and compliance
Industry-standard encryption and data privacy protection.
Notifications & reminders
Notifications & reminders
Stay informed about document progress and status updates.
Choose the plan that's right for you
Simple, Straightforward Pricing to Fit Your Needs
Bill Monthly
Bill Annually
$0 per month
1 Sender
3 Signature Requests/month
1 Template
Reminders & Notifications
$15 per month
1 Sender
Unlimited Signature Requests
3 Templates
Reminders & Notifications
Google Workspace Add On
Google Drive Integration
Dropbox Integration
One Drive Integration
Box Integration
Audit Log and History
$25 per month
Unlimited Signature Requests
Unlimited Templates
Reminders & Notifications
Google Workspace Add On
Google Drive Integration
Dropbox Integration
One Drive Integration
Box Integration
Audit Log and History
Team Management
Custom Business Branding
Frequently asked questions
Are e-signatures legally binding?
Absolutely, e-signatures are legally binding and are widely recognized and accepted under various international laws. With DocSignal, you get a reliable e-signature solution that adheres to these legal standards, ensuring that your electronic signatures carry the same legal weight as traditional handwritten ones. DocSignal complies with major e-signature laws such as the ESIGN Act and UETA in the United States, the eIDAS regulation in the European Union, and other similar laws globally. Our platform ensures that each electronic signature meets critical legal criteria, including clear intent to sign, explicit consent to conduct transactions electronically, and secure record-keeping for audit trails. By choosing DocSignal, you're not only embracing the convenience of digital signatures but also ensuring compliance with legal requirements, making each e-signature as valid and binding as a pen-and-paper signature.
What about international transactions?
DocSignal is designed to facilitate international transactions with its robust and legally compliant e-signature platform. Our solution adheres to international e-signature laws, making it suitable for use across various countries and regions. This includes compliance with the eIDAS regulation in the European Union, the ESIGN Act and UETA in the United States, and other similar laws globally. For international transactions, DocSignal ensures that your documents are signed and managed in accordance with the legal requirements of the involved countries. This capability makes it an ideal tool for businesses engaging in global trade or services, providing a seamless, secure, and legally sound e-signature process. With DocSignal, you can confidently manage and sign documents from anywhere in the world, knowing that each transaction is supported by a legally compliant e-signature system.
Are e-signatures secure?
Yes, e-signatures are highly secure, and at DocSignal, we prioritize the security of your digital transactions. Our platform employs advanced encryption technologies to protect your documents and signatures. This ensures that your data remains confidential and tamper-proof throughout the signing process. Furthermore, DocSignal provides features like audit trails, which record detailed information about the signing process, including timestamps and IP addresses. These features not only add layers of security but also help in verifying the authenticity of the signatures. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of security to give our users peace of mind when conducting digital transactions.
What happens if someone forges my signature?
In the unlikely event of a signature forgery on DocSignal, several measures are in place to handle the situation. First, our advanced audit trail capabilities provide comprehensive details about each document's signing process, including timestamps, IP addresses, and email records. This data can be crucial in investigating and verifying the authenticity of signatures. Moreover, if you suspect forgery, you should immediately report the incident. Our team will assist in investigating the issue, providing necessary support and information that may be required for legal proceedings. It's important to also contact legal authorities as signature forgery is a serious offense. DocSignal's robust security measures, including encryption and secure authentication, significantly reduce the risk of forgery. However, in the rare case it happens, we are equipped to support our users in addressing and resolving the issue effectively.
Are e-signatures difficult to use?
Not at all! E-signatures, especially with DocSignal, are designed for ease of use. Our platform offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the signing process. Whether you're uploading a document, adding signature fields, or sending it out for signatures, each step is intuitive and straightforward. We've also built DocSignal to be accessible for all users, regardless of their technical expertise. You can quickly sign documents or request signatures with just a few clicks. Plus, our support resources and customer service team are always available to help you navigate any aspects of the platform you're not familiar with. The goal is to make digital signing hassle-free and more efficient than traditional methods.
Can I sign documents on any device?
Yes, with DocSignal, you can sign documents on any device. Our platform is designed to be fully responsive, meaning it adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. Whether you're in the office or on the go, you can easily access DocSignal, manage your documents, and use our e-signature features. This flexibility ensures that you can stay productive and responsive, no matter where you are or what device you're using.
How much do e-signatures cost?
The cost of e-signatures can vary depending on the service provider and the specific plan you choose. At DocSignal, we offer a range of pricing options to suit different needs and budgets. - Our Basic Plan is free, ideal for individuals or businesses with minimal e-signature needs. - The Professional Plan, priced at $19 per user/month, offers more features and is suitable for professionals or small teams. For more extensive needs, our Business Plan is available at $29 per user/month. We also offer a Custom Enterprise Plan for large businesses, with pricing based on specific requirements. These prices are designed to provide flexibility and value, ensuring that you only pay for the features you need. Whether you're a solo entrepreneur or a large corporation, DocSignal has a cost-effective e-signature solution for you.
Can I integrate e-signatures with my existing software?
Yes, integrating e-signatures with your existing software is possible and straightforward with DocSignal. Our platform is designed to seamlessly integrate with various commonly used business tools and systems. This includes cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, as well as other business applications. Our goal is to ensure that DocSignal fits smoothly into your existing workflow, enhancing efficiency without the need to switch between different apps. These integrations not only streamline your document management process but also ensure that you can utilize e-signatures within the software ecosystems you're already familiar with.
What about long-term document storage?
DocSignal offers robust long-term document storage solutions, ensuring that your signed documents are safely archived and easily accessible whenever needed. Our platform uses secure cloud storage, providing you with the convenience of accessing your documents from anywhere, at any time. This storage is not only secure but also organized for easy retrieval, with features like search and filter options to quickly locate specific documents. Additionally, our storage system complies with various data protection regulations, ensuring that your sensitive documents are handled with the utmost care and security over the long term.
Integrated with the tools that you use and love
Ready to get your documents signed?
DocSignal makes document signing painless. Sign and send legally binding contracts and documents in seconds. Give it a try for free!
Electronic Signatures Made Easy
Santa Cruz, CA
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